Pixio - Android App eCommerce Mobile App Template

Pixio - Android App eCommerce Mobile App Template


Pixio - Android App eCommerce Mobile App Template

This documentation is last updated on 03 October 2024.

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Installation -

Android Studio Setup

1. Install Android Studio Koala | 2024.1.1 above

Download and install Android Studio from the official website. Follow the installation instructions to set up your development environment.

2. Import the Project

Open Android Studio and select File > Open. Navigate to the project directory and open the Pixio folder. Android Studio will handle the import process and sync the project.



3. Sync Gradle


4. Configure Emulator or Device

Set up an Android Virtual Device (AVD) or connect a physical device to test the application. Follow Android Studio’s instructions to configure the emulator or device.

5. Build and Run

Click on the Run button in Android Studio to build and run the Pixio app on the emulator or connected device.


Folder Directories -


Source Structure -

The Pixio app is structured as follows:


Contains the main application code.


Reusable UI components and their styles.


Constant values and configurations.


Layout files and resource directories.


Navigation configurations and setup.


Various screen definitions and UI logic.

Theme -

1. Theme Configuration

The Pixio app uses a default theme, which can be customized through the styles.xml file located in app/src/main/res/values. Modify the colors, fonts, and other theme attributes as needed.


2. Custom Themes

To create a custom theme, define a new style in the styles.xml file and apply it to your activities or components.

App Name & Icon -

1. Changing the App Name

To change the app name, modify the strings.xml file located in app/src/main/res/values. Look for the app_name string and update it as needed.

2. Changing the App Icon

To change the app icon, replace the existing icon files in the res/mipmap directories. You should provide different icon sizes for various screen densities.

Package Name -

1. Changing the Package Name

To change the package name, follow these steps:

  1. In Android Studio, right-click on the package name in the java directory and select Refactor > Rename.
  2. Update the package name in the AndroidManifest.xml file located in app/src/main.
  3. Update the package name in the build.gradle file located in app directory.

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Version History - #back to top

(1.0) 03 October 2024

  • New - Created & Upload Pixio